Mother Nature just wants to keep fooling us! Pansies look great and the Weather seems fitting.
More and more items every week, below are just a few.
Bacopa's in all colors
Calibrachoa Petite and Superbells
Dahlietta showing color
Geraniums Exotics to Ivies
Lavender Spanish
Lobularia (trailing alyssum)
Nemesia Sunsatia
Oxalis (many types)
Verbenas Trailing types plus Superbenas
Plus many new Perennials listed this week
Hope to see yeah soon!
4" Pansies |
4.5" Lobelia's (Early Springs and Laguna) |
4.5" Carnation Silver Pink Fragrant and cold hardy. |
606 Water Color Mix Delta series |
4.5" Dahlia Demi |
4" Delta Persian Medley |
4" Ivies look great |
10" Begonia Encanto, Angel Wing habit really like to blooms with great branching habit. |
4.5" SalviaGolden Delicious Colorful foliage PW |
4.5" Dahlietta Julia |
10" Floor Pot Combos |
4.5" Geranium Fantasia |
4.5" Calipetite have great color plus Superbells this week |
4.5" Nemesia Sunsatia Blood Orange PW |
4.5" 3 types of Simply Salads, trying this out to see if it will work for Fall |