Monday, August 15, 2016

August 15th 2016

The Fall transition begins!

2 galllon Penisetum Foxtrot

9" Mums have been loving the Summer heat. We have a few  early bloomer ready!

8" Celosia Intenz starting color

3 Gallon Mums, some early color 

8" Begonia Bada Bing Mix

4.5" Asters close to color

Beautiful full 3 gallon Rudbeckia Goldstrum 

9" Bonnie Red (Daisy)

8" Celosia Twisted Red

1st group of Pansies planted

3 gallon Mum Buttercup (early variety)

Fall Magic will go on list August 22nd

8" Zinnias Magellan Mix

10 Begonia Big series look awesome. Trailing Vinca are amazing, most of you have seen these!