Thursday, June 30, 2016

July 1st 2016

Happy 4th, we are blasting off into summer with amazing color!
Lots of 8"Vinca added this week.
10" and 12 Combo Baskets look great.
10" Caliente Geranium Baskets filling out with good color.
10" Baskets of Trailing Vinca 
Everyone has really loved Lofos Compact Rose, She is so elegant!
We still have an odd ball selection of 4.5" Annuals left, these all look great
Hope to see yeah soon!

Trailing Vinca Baskets are good enough for Disney they're good enough for you

Supercal Petunia have amazing shelf life

8" Trixi Combo

8" Trixi Combo

Double Rose Blanket Petunia

Those amazing summer performing Blanket Petunias

Trailing Vinca plus upright, lots ready now

Celosia New Look Red??

Pantas Graffiti Mix

Common Annual Twist. Zinnia,Salvia Marigold and Trailing Vinca 
8" Combos Mix Masters

Lots of Beautiful 12" Combos

Saturday, June 11, 2016

June 11th 2016

I have added some great pictures of our Summer Annuals, Enjoy!
Hope to see yeah soon.
Geranium Caliente Fire and Scaevola Top Pot White

6" Begonias

Coleus Alligator Tears

8" Vinca

8" Lanatana Landscape Series

Marigold Durango Bee

6" Kwik Combo Pink Infusion Mix

6" Kwik Combo Fire and Ice

6" Kwik Combos

4.5" Wave lavender

Zinfandel Blanket Petunia

Supertunia Morning Glory

Calibrachoa Calipetite, these have a great shelf life

8" Waves

2color Wave combos

Calibrachoa Minfamous Series

"New this year" New Guinea Harmony Sunpatiens almost ready

12" Shade Combos

4.5" Vinca

4.5" Vinca look great

Sanguna Petunias

12" Combo baskets 

8" Summer Annuals Portulaca Sundial Pink and Salvia

Salvia Cathedral 

Lobelia Early Spring (great summer performance)

Verbena Voodoo (nice habit with unique bloom)

8" Portulaca Happy Trails Pink

Lofos Cascade Compact Rose

Trixi Combos 10" Baskets 

12" Hanging Basket Supercal 2color combo

Saturday, June 4, 2016

June 4th 2016

Heading into summer..
Lots of 8" Annuals coming along, the Wave 2color combos look great. 
Glow Petunias stand up to any weather thrown at them.
Calibrachoas are nice and full 
Lots of 6" Begonias ready now for the Landscapers.
6" Begonias

4.5" Sedum Lemon Coral 

Portulaca Hotshots

Glow Petunias look amazing

Portulaca Fuchsia 

Lobelia Early Springs 2color combo shown

Lobelia Early Spring White

Wave 2color combo

Nicotiana Saratoga Purple

Calliope Geraniums in 4.5" look great

6" Kwik Combos